The Recognize Artsakh collection has been created due to the recent war committed by the Azerbaijani government on the Armenian people of Artsakh. Artsakh is a region that once belonged to the Armenian Kingdom, and as of November 9, 2020, has been unjustly signed off to Azerbaijan. There are many words to be said of this tragic event in our history, but at this current moment in time, the absolute need for the Armenian Diaspora and the rest of the world to unite, recognize, and help the natives of Artsakh remains precedent.
I would like to take attention away from the disappointing outcome of the war, and bring that energy and attention to the families, that once resided peacefully on their native land, being displaced from their homes. Following this detrimental political decision, hundreds and thousands of Armenians began packing their belongings and fleeing to cities in Hayastan where they would need to re-establish their lives. I would like to ask everyone to understand the severity of this situation. This heartbreaking occurrence has greatly impacted the lives of Armenians all over the world. That is why I will be donating ALL profits earned from the Recognize Artsakh collection to help the affected families in Armenia. I will find a charity that uses these funds to directly help the families, and natives of Artsakh and Shushi that are now in desperate need of our assistance.
With that being said, I wanted to share a thought that has been ruminating in my mind. I keep thinking about the children who are experiencing this massive loss of not only their shelter, but their childhood. I think about their pain and I wish I could take it away from them because no child should be subjugated to any loss, let alone that of their innocence and happiness. Let's make the largest effort we have ever made, to help maintain their joy and give them the support they deserve.